Jakepaul runs from the dab police.

I am writing this from hell after Jakepaul dabbed on me and shot me 200 times in the shin.
After Jake paul dabbed on me and killed me so the dab police went after him.
He went outside and pulled someone out of their car like GTA and he drove away in the stolen car while the dab police were chasing after him and he took the glock 17 and started firing rounds at the dab police cars and he killed all the dab policemen that were chasing after him.
Above him was a big ass helicopter and the sniper from TF2 was taking shots at Jake paul so Jake paul got his Sniper shotgun and killed the sniper from TF2 and dabbed while driving.
He also killed the dab policeman that was controlling the helicopter so the helicopter crashed and Jake paul suddenly got out of his stolen car and before the helicopter crashed and he got into it and dabbed.
Jake paul proceeded to use the helicopter to go to south sudan and once he arrived at south sudan he killed all of the locals that were eating mud cookies and then he be like. OH SHITE the U.S army is here. so he got behind a pile a rocks and began taking hot shots at the U.S army.
Surprisingly he took every single U.S solider that was sent to kill him and he than got his iphone 1S and took a picture of him self firing bullets into the ground.
After these events Jake paul was never seen again.